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Welcome to the sacramental preparation programme ‘Baptised into the Family of God’ produced by the Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. This programme features a series of short educational videos that are designed to kick off a deeper discussion on Baptism.


1. Baptism in the Life of Jesus Christ

For us as Christians, Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life, and also the best place to start preparation for baptism! The intention of this episode is to convey that we are brought into the family of God through Jesus, by way of Baptism.

2. What is Baptism?

Baptism is not an empty ritual, rather, it is the beginning of a new life. Watch this episode to understand more about what baptism is, what it means, and who can be baptised.

3. The Responsibility of Parents

What is a parent’s responsibility in bringing their child for baptism? This is an important question that parents preparing to have their child baptised must know how to answer. Baptism marks the beginning of a life-long journey for a child.

4. The Role of Godparents

Not only are Godparents an important part of the baptismal ceremony, they are an important part of the faith journey of the child being baptised. A Godparent must know Jesus Christ.

5. The Day of Baptism

The day of baptism features a number of important elements. This video includes and explanation of:

  • The Baptism - pouring of water + “I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”.

  • Anointing with Chrism - The priestly prophetic, and kingly life of Christ

  • Presentation of the Candle - “Receive the light of Christ"

  • Ephphatha - "be opened”

6. Signs and Symbols

The rite of baptism features a number of signs and symbols. This video includes and explanation of:

  • Prayer of Exorcism

  • Water

  • Clothing with White Garment

  • The Sign of the Cross

  • Liturgy of the Word

  • The Litany of Saints

7. Baptism - Parents Testimony

Baptism is a wonderful event in the life of a family. Hear from Colin and Jil as they talk about their experience of baptism.

8. The Baptism of Jesus

This video is designed exclusively for Catechists and provides background information of the foundations of Christian baptism in Sacred Scripture, including John the Baptist, and baptism in the life of Jesus Christ.

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