In Retirement
Rev Paddy Keane
Rev Richard Pipe
Rev Jack Smith
Rev Msgr Joe Stack
Recently Deceased
Rev Msgr. David Bennett
Most Rev Denis Browne, Bishop Emeritus
Rev Anselm Aherne RIP
Rev Graeme Alexander RIP
Rev Msgr. Michael Browne RIP
Rev Nick Hoogeveen RIP
Rev Msgr. Des McCarthy RIP
Rev Brian Playfair RIP
Rev Frank O’Regan RIP
In one sense, the deacon had long been absent from the collective consciousness of the Church's ministry; in another, deacons had never actually been absent. Deacons had simply become part of a transitional passage of formation leading to eventual and ultimate ordination as priests. With the Second Vatican Council, deacons again walked from the wings of history onto the stage of permanent ordained ministry in their own right.
On June 18, 1967, with the promulgation of the document Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem (The Sacred Order of the Diaconate"), Pope Paul VI implemented the decision of the Second Vatican Council to revive the order of deacons as a permanent ministry in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church.
By 1970 there were some one hundred Latin Rite deacons serving around the world and today there are over 30,000 deacons.
Diaconate Office
51 Grey Street, Hamilton East
Ph: 07 856 6989
Deacon John Marneth-Rust
Called to be a Deacon?
Contact the Diaconate office for more information.
Deacon Nick Bruce, Te Aroha
Deacon Glenn Clunie, Taupō
Deacon Tony Frogley, Frankton
Deacon Henk Gielen, Mount Maunganui
Deacon Mark Hassett, Tauranga
Deacon David Hotere, Cambridge
Deacon Ricky Kuka, Te Puna
Deacon John Limrick, Rotorua
Deacon John Marneth-Rust, Morrinsville, Paeroa & Te Aroha
Deacon Kerry Parker, Whangamata
Deacon Ben Pomare, Rotorua
Deacon Doug Rewi, Maketu
Deacon Michael Rolfe, Gisborne
Deacon Vincent Shaw, Mt Maunganui
Deacon Carey Talauta, Tokoroa
In Retirement
Deacon Peter Richardson
Deacon Leon Finn
Deacon Don Beckett
Deacon Sid Wells
Deacon Leonard Williams
Deacon Bill Wells
Deacon Lou Zampese
Deacon Joe Rogers
Deacon Brian Whitlow
Recently Deceased
Deacon Terri Sorenson RIP