Journeying together: Chrism Mass 2021

Journeying together: Chrism Mass 2021

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Bernard Bailey


3 mins

Chrism Mass was held in the St Peter’s Basilica this year on April 1, on Thursday of Holy Week, according to the norm there. Here in New Zealand, we celebrate Chrism Mass on the Tuesday of Holy Week. This is to make it possible for all priests of the diocese to join together in a day of contemplation followed by the renewal of vows and concelebration of the Chrism Mass and then have time to travel back to their parishes in time for the Paschal Triduum.  

Our diocese extends south from Hamilton to Turangi; east to Gisborne; north to Waihi and Whangamata and then west to Raglan and Kawhia, so it can be a long drive home from Hamilton to locales on the edges of the region.

As Mass began, Deacon Isaac Fransen and seminarian Adam Kirkeby led the procession to the altar, followed by Bishop Steve and Bishop Emeritus Denis along with the priests of the diocese. 

The cathedral was about two-thirds full rather than the full house normally seen at this Mass - an indication of how Covid-19 has impacted attendance these days.  

Bishop Steve acknowledged the loss of five priests over the past year: Father Graeme Alexander, Monsignor Des McCarthy, Monsignor Michael Browne, Father Nick Hoogeveen and Father Brian Playfair. On a lighter note, he then acknowledged looking forward to ordaining Isaac Fransen to the priesthood later this year.  

Some edited extracts from Bishop Steve’s homily:

“It is two years since we were last here on Holy Tuesday for the Chrism Mass; it is good to be back.”

“It is a beautiful thing to share Christ’s vision for the world. We all have to work to understand the person of Jesus Christ.  We read books about Jesus to learn about him, but we will not actually know him personally: discovering Jesus Christ is not an idea but a person. We must recognise him in our lives.”

“The most important mission is our conversion to Jesus in our daily broken lives.”

“Tonight’s reading was for us. Listen to the words Jesus uses: ‘The Spirit of the Lord has been given to me’: he has sent us to be the fulfilment of God’s desire. We are the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy. We share his words, we share his life and his ways. Yes, we have been sent to set the downtrodden free.”

“To my brother priests: we are to not only care for our people, we are to build them up. There have been grave betrayals of children in their care. As Church, our hearts must bleed for those who are hurt. We must stop this insidious evil in the Church. “

“How am I being held captive by binds on my own self? Who has helped us to be set free? Jesus Christ chooses each one of us to be fully alive, to him then all the power and glory forever and ever.”

The solemn renewal of vows and promises were made by the clergy and witnessed by the congregation. 

The holy oils were then brought to the altar: Oil of the Sick, Oil of the Catechumens and the Chrism. The first two oils were blessed, and Bishop Steve then consecrated the Chrism before it was taken for decanting into distribution packages. The Eucharistic Prayer and Holy Communion followed the blessing of the oils. 

After Holy Communion, the distribution of the Holy Oils began, and it was clear to see the joy of Bishop Steve’s words to each of the recipients as they presented themselves to collect their package.

Bishop Steve, in his closing comments, suggested Bishop Denis was “back where you belong”, and thanked the cathedral music group for providing an excellent lead and accompaniment for the Mass.

As with previous Holy Chrism Masses, one leaves with an amazing sense of journeying together through Holy Week.

For more photos, please visit our Facebook page.

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