Commissioning Masses - Know.Love.Follow.

Commissioning Masses - Know.Love.Follow.

Congratulations to Sharmila Pinto and Louise Harper from the Jubilee Early Childhood Centre. They were both presented with their Certificate in Catholic Early Childhood Education at the first Mass, held at the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

While all three Masses occured on different Liturgical days: one in ordinary time, 2 in Lent but one a feast day, all three homilies included the following message for our educators.

Then we are truly wise will we be able to pass on what we ourselves have received. The adage that one cannot give what one has not got applies totally to us as parents, teachers and even friends.

So the Challenge from the Lord to us is to get to know him more clearly. Read his word, ponder his teaching, seek guidance from the Church, The Lord guarantees His Church will keep teaching only the Truth. When Church says yes it will be safe to follow and imitate. When Church says no Christ, the divine Man, has already said No and it is a no for our salvation.

One cannot love what one does not know, so having come to know Christ more we seek to conform our lives to his instruction, for that is what disciples do. It is in conforming to him that we love him more dearly. Then when we love him we will follow him more nearly, love Him more dearly and and know Him more clearly.

Waikato Christian Supplies Trust :A GENEROUS GIFT  RECEIVED

Waikato Christian Supplies Trust :A GENEROUS GIFT  RECEIVED

chanel centre day

chanel centre day