Inside Holy Cross Seminary

Inside Holy Cross Seminary



Adam Kirkeby


2 mins

My name is Adam Kirkeby. I am a fifth-year seminarian and entered Holy Cross Seminary in 2016. Being in my fifth year I am on pastoral placement in the Hamilton North Parish. Before starting at the seminary I taught in Catholic Primary schools for six years.

Every seminarian has come to the seminary via a different journey so there is no usual path, but for me, I had thought about trying for the seminary from about when I was twelve. There was no particular moment that I decided to join the seminary. It was a process, a journey of a whole lot of little things that finally led me to say yes. Sometimes the idea to go to the seminary was strong, while other times it was in the background, but it kept coming back.

Growing up I used to enjoy stories about Our Lady of Fatima, the saints and used to read about the work of missionaries in the magazine Echo from Africa, which my Nana gave me. I found these stories very inspirational. I am especially grateful for the gentle and loving support and example in the faith that my mother and Nana gave me. 

Life at the seminary involves daily Mass and prayer, study, personal formation and spiritual direction with the support of the seminary staff and of course recreation and social events. I have learned a lot about myself and my relationship with God at the seminary and have made some great friends. It is important to remember that the seminary is a place for discernment and signing up for the seminary does not mean one has signed up for the priesthood. It is a place to work out where God is leading us either to the priesthood or marriage or the single life. If someone leaves the seminary as a priest that is great, but if someone leaves the seminary for another path that the Lord is calling them to that is great too. What is important is that we follow God’s will. We will be happiest where God is calling us. 

I Desire Christ

I Desire Christ

Working together to build our common home

Working together to build our common home