May is Mary’s Month

May is Mary’s Month

Episcopal Ordination 2020-021.jpg


Fr. Carl Telford SM



The above image is that of Our Lady, Maria, Salus Populi Romani, meaning Mary the Protectress of Rome; this is an icon of venerable history. It has been part of the history of the Church of Rome since that time especially in times of plague and great need. It was venerated recently by Pope Francis on Easter Sunday 2020 for the extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing. It was brought by him to the Vatican and so to the world for Mary’s help during this pandemic. But it has also been part of the life of Pope Francis since he became Pope seven years ago. He goes to venerate this image in St Mary Major before each overseas pastoral visit and leave flowers.

The point: devotion and love for Our Lady is not outdated, not old fashioned. Our present Pope, not one to be accused of being old fashioned, has a great devotion to Our Lady. Soon after his election, I read of his love for the Rosary, which he attributes to the example of St Pope John Paul the Great. Pope Francis began to pray all 15 decades of the Rosary and all his writing concludes with a tender filial invocation to Our Lady.

A very moving example was the recent ordination of Bishop Michael Gielen. He showed his great devotion and love to Our Lady by dedicating his episcopal ministry to her during the Ordination Mass as we sang Mo Maria (this hymn dates back to the very beginning of the Faith in New Zealand, which was brought here by Bishop Pompallier and the Marists). Bishop Michael has chosen as his motto Totus Tuus, meaning all yours Mary. These two bishops have a contemporary deep love for the Mother of Jesus as does our Bishop Steve. So, I suggest, we also renew the place of Our Lady in our lives this month.

I mentioned that love for her is not outdated. In these testing times, there is a case to be made that love for her was never more needed. There is the worrying threat to our country by those stubbornly pushing abortion on demand (already 13,000 a year, many more than deaths by coronavirus) and also what will become widespread use of euthanasia of the vulnerable and disabled as the culture of death prophesied by St John Paul spreads. No stable country will survive long with those threats.


So by a deep Catholic instinct, without being dramatic or negative, these are the days to make Mary, Maria Salus Populi Aotearoa, protector of this country. Covid-19 is a danger but more dangerous is the threat to our future evil laws imposed on us all. Only prayer, especially the Rosary will protect us. This is not the time to bury our heads in the sand. 

One does not need to be a Catholic to know that abortion and euthanasia will certainly bring a bitter harvest of disregard for life in our beautiful country. That will happen in New Zealand unless we pray, the infallible spiritual weapon of ordinary people. Prayer is the greatest power in the world. 

Remember Our Lady, especially in May; invite her into our parishes, our homes, our marriages, our families and our hearts. She will inspire and nourish our love for Jesus and His Church and she will protect us against real danger. Hail Mary… pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

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