Celebrating the life of Val Mildon - 1936-2021

Celebrating the life of Val Mildon - 1936-2021

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Brigid Conroy


2 mins

On Wednesday, we farewelled one of the people who played a pivotal role at the 'birth' of our diocese. Last year we celebrated 40 years as a diocese, what many people do not know, however, is the humble origins of our "car-boot" diocese. As a tribute to Val and her time serving the diocese, we provide some excerpts from the publication written on the 25th anniversary of the diocese, may she rest in the peace of the Risen Christ.

Following excerpts taken from Standing Together: the Catholic Diocese of Hamilton 1840-2005, O'Sullivan and Piper (2005).

Bishop Gaines became the first bishop of Hamilton in 1980, with Val Mildon being appointed as his first secretary. There was no physical Bishop's office at the beginning of the diocese, however, this did not prevent Gaines and Mildon from working on diocesan policies and administration documents for the first few months of the diocese's infancy from, "the Mildon kitchen table with documents from the boot of Bishop's car. So began the legend of the car-boot diocese."

"Not only has she acted as professional secretary for three bishops, but also served on the management and planning groups for many initiatives throughout diocesan history. Here special gift had been her untiring care, support and friendship and nurture of both bishops and clergy in that time. She had been there for them in their time of grief and joy, a discreet listening ear; a hostess for many bishop's dinners. She managed the setting up of diocesan centres, bishop's homes, at Tamahere, Chanel Park and Matangi - a wise woman for all seasons and "mother of the diocese" as she was called when being awarded the order of Dame of the Order of St Slyvester before her retirement", in 2002.

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