Pastoral Letter 13th February 2022 - So I Leave my Boats Behind

Pastoral Letter 13th February 2022 - So I Leave my Boats Behind


13 February 2022

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

So I Leave my Boats Behind

Seven years ago, on the 13th of February 2015 I processed into the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a priest and processed out as a bishop, your bishop. Over the last seven years you, the people of the Diocese of Hamilton, the laity, religious and priests, have helped shape and form me as a bishop as I tried my best to respond to the Lord’s call to me in the various encounters, moments and challenges of the seven years. 

There is no such thing as a perfect bishop as there is no such thing as a perfect person. I have tried my best within the limits of my gifts, limitations, foibles, faults and personal sinfulness. Often when confronted with various people or situations I have struggled with what is the right thing to say or do. I’m no different to anyone else as we all try to engage in the various relationships of life. Sometimes we get things right, and sometimes we get things wrong in this age where the expectation is that we always do the right thing and everyone has to agree with what we think. At the same time a weakness of mine is to allow fear and resentment to take root in my heart and thinking and this impacts on my ability to speak, act and love as Christ calls me to speak, act and love.

So if along the way over these past seven years I have hurt or harmed you, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do, whether intentionally or unintentionally, please accept my sincere apology. It is never my intention to hurt or harm any one of you and so I humbly ask for your forgiveness.

At the same time there have been so many encounters and moments that have made my heart soar and I thank you for these. I have truly loved being your bishop. I have loved you, the clergy, religious and people of the Diocese of Hamilton. Thank you for the blessing you have been to me and for all the encouragement, challenge, support and joy you have been. I have loved praying with and for you and working together with you in the Lord’s vineyard. Through you I have learnt so much more of the wonder and wonders of our God of love.

When I was appointed the Bishop of Hamilton I chose for my motto, Ko te Ariki tōku Hēpara - the Lord is my Shepherd, for the Lord is the one who has shepherded me throughout my life. At my ordination as your bishop I chose the same Gospel I had at my priestly ordination at Hokitika in 1996 where Jesus asks Peter three times, do you love me?, and where Jesus three times instructs Peter to feed and look after his flock. The image of the shepherd and the sheep is an image of the wilderness for in the Gospel imagery that is where the sheep live. Even today the shepherds of the Holy Land are seen each morning leading their sheep out into the desert to find pasture and water with the shepherds calling their flock and the sheep following his call. This is the vocation of us all to listen for the call of Christ the Good Shepherd and to follow him with generosity and trust. 

In December I received a phone call from the Nuncio with the request from Pope Francis that I accept a new appointment as the Bishop of Auckland. When many years ago I was asked to go overseas to study, my mother, who was becoming more frail in her old age, said to me, “I want you to do what the Church asks of you - you are not to consider me in your decision.” It reminds me of another mother who said, “Do whatever he tells you.” Indeed, all through the Scriptures and the lives of the saints, we see the model of discipleship is to respond generously to the Lord’s call. What I hadn’t picked up till later that day when I celebrated Mass, was that the psalm of the day was “The Lord is my Shepherd.” Once again, I knew he was walking before me calling me onward. As I left my home town of Hokitika for the Seminary, the recessional hymn at Mass was the Galilee Song, So I leave my boats behind! Leave them on familiar shores! Set my heart upon the deep! Follow you again, my Lord!

On Sunday the 13th of this month, seven years to the day after I processed into the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a priest and processed out as your bishop, I will again process into and out of your Cathedral but this time as the Bishop of Auckland before moving north. In the meantime you may see me occasionally as I have been appointed Apsotolic Administrator of Hamilton until such time as a new bishop is appointed. Please pray for the process that will lead to the appointment of a new Bishop of Hamilton. 

As I move, I will hold the Hamilton Diocese within my heart, grateful for the blessings I have received with and from you. As I go, I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God as I will certainly pray for you.

Yours sincerely in Christ the Good Shepherd

+Steve Lowe, Apostolic Administrator

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