Parish Regular Giving Programme 2023

Regular Giving is a programme through which parishioners contribute to the support of our parish,

its works and supporting the priest in a planned way.



It offers the following advantages :

  • a reliable indication of income which allow us to plan and manage the parish financial commitments

  • the financial responsibility is able to be shared equitably amongst parishioners

  • your contributions is identifiable (through online payment or automatic payment )

  • since your contribution is identifiable, a receipt can be issued at the end of the financial year

  • you can use  this receipt for TAX REBATES purposes by claiming ⅓ of your donation! 

    By donating in loose cash, parishioners are missing out on tax rebate. 

    If you however donate eg. $15 per week by automatic payment, you actually donate $10 out of your pocket...


Each Sunday, we have one collection which is distributed between Clergy and Parish :

. the House account 

. the Parish account 

  • House account :

. a portion of your donation goes towards our priest’s stipend, board and lodgings

. 10% is paid to the Bishop for his support and expenses ((Cathedraticum).

. any surplus from this first portion paid to the Clergy Trust Fund for the welfare of the priests in the diocese.

  • Parish account :

. the other portion of your donation is for the operation costs of our parish and the capital expenditure

. 22% of this portion is paid to the Diocese for the running of the Diocesan office 

If there was a surplus in the Parish account, it will be deposited into the Parish saving account held by the Catholic Development Fund (CDF).

Please visit for more information.

It is with this same spirit that I ask you to prayerfully consider whether you may be in a position where you are able and wish to contribute to the work of the Diocese or your local parish or aid agency as we strive to meet the pastoral needs of our people in this time of trial.

Thank you for consideration of this programme

Yours sincerely in Christ our Hope,


Collections of Previous Regular Giving - HERE