
Key letters and documents for parishioners.

Read Bishop Steve’s Pastoral letter for the Feast of the Assumption, 15 August 2020.

“As your Bishop, I want to invite all believers in the Catholic community of the Diocese of Hamilton to join me in journeying with the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus so together we might encounter Him anew and that He might set our hearts burning. Our journey to Emmaus with the risen Christ will be under the title of With Hearts Burning.”

- Bishop Steve Lowe

With Hearts Burning is a 6 part (module) spiritual reflection process for parishes, parish pastoral councils, and all parish and school groups, as well as individuals.

As part of the With Hearts Burning module releases, groups and individuals were asked to reflect on and answer questions that Bishop Steve posed at the end of each module. These responses have been collated and summarised. Although the official time for feedback to the Diocese has now ended. With Hearts Burning is a valuable resource that can be used at parish and school level.

- Alex Bailey

Pastoral Services Manager

“I want to offer some guidelines to assist you and to enhance your musical or liturgical ministry within your parish or school so that the music is in harmony with the Mass and the Liturgical seasons of the Church.”

- Bishop Steve Lowe