If you have any items to be included in the Diocesan Bulletin, please email them to newsletter@cdh.org.nz

Our Jubilee 2025 page is live - click through!

Our indulgence pamphlet can be found here

Please find up to date calendar for events in Hamilton Diocese (Pentecost has been amended)

Social media blocks and other resources are uploaded - including a recent recording of the Jubilee Hymn - with thanks to Theresa Guzzo and Juanita Raman

On Tuesday 25th March, the Bishops issued a statement, encouraging people to support their Lenten Appeal as an "act of generosity". You can find the statement attached, or on the NZCBC website here: https://catholic.org.nz/news/media-releases/support-for-lent-appeal-is-an-act-of-generosity/


Our March clearly will be sent on Monday, more on this will be shared then

Current of Grace Hamilton Welcomes you to : Make Me; Mold Me; Fill Me; Use Me. 

"Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me" Worship, Teaching, Equipping, Empowerment

Keynote speaker: Susilo Kentjana, Youth Minister New Plymouth Parish

Saturday 5th April 9:30am, St Joseph’s Parish Hall , Clarkin Rd, Hamilton

BYO lunch. Suggested koha $10

Contact: Helen Smithson 027 294 1270

Full Flyer Here

The Chrism Mass will take place at the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the 15th of April, 12pm.

Refreshments will be made available afterwards, please stay and enjoy the company of all parishioners from around the diocese.

FOOD FOR FAITH for Lent. Fr. John O’Connor offers brief daily encouragements for those seeking greater maturity in relationship with Jesus Christ. Sign up to receive daily emails at www.foodforfaith.org.nz


Monday 7th of April, 7pm

St Peter Chanel Church, 5 Vardon Road, St Andrews, Hamilton

Join us at our monthly meeting, to gather, to share, encourage, support one another and pray in the Spirit with, for and over each other. 




St. Patrick's Parish Putaruru is celebrating its 100 year centenary this year on 30th November 2025.

As part of the celebrations, we will be having a photographic exhibition and would kindly ask if anyone has any photos of St. Patrick's Church, in particular the construction or opening of the church if they could scan and email to the parish office:  stpatricksputaruru@gmail.com along with any stories or names that may be in relation with the photos.

"Te Kupenga Catholic Theological College is offering online webinars in 2025. This series features our current and past students who will inspire us as they talk about growing in faith, leadership in ministry, and their role in ministry.

Please share the attached flyer

Copy and paste of information available below.



Role of Social Media and Digital Publishing in the New Evanglisation

Wednesday, 14 May 2025

5-6pm via Zoom

Speaker: Rebecca Taylor-Hunt (Director, Catholic Enquiry Centre)

 Pastoral Ministry among Māori and Pasifika in the Third Millennium

Wednesday, 25 June 2025

5-6pm via Zoom

Speaker: Rev Hemi Ropata (Deacon, Society of Mary)

 Parish Ministry in Aotearoa New Zealand

Wednesday, 20 August 2025

5-6pm via Zoom

Speaker: Emily Sit (Director of Mission & Evangelisation – Palmerston North Diocese)

 Raising a Catholic Family in the Third Millennium

Wednesday, 08 October 2025

Speakers: Cameron and Cheryl Surrey (Catholic Parents – Cheryl is the Regional Lead for Divine Renovation NZ)

 Reflections on Jubilee 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope

Wednesday, 26 November 2025

Speaker: Fadi Yalda (CTC Biblical Studies Lecturer)

Divine Mercy Conference  May 23-25 2025 Auckland
Fr Chris Alar - Keynote Speaker
Divine Mercy NZ is excited to be bringing back to New Zealand Fr Chris Alar MIC from the US plus several other international speakers.
Divine Mercy Conference2025 will be in a real sense an encapsulation of all that has gone before, and yet more, and to the point – how that is lived out, witnessed, in the Third Millennium. Please join us for this important event in the Jubilee Year.
Registrations are essential;  www.divinemercyconference2025.co.nz
Pat Barrett 03 359 2087  info@divinemercy.co.nz

Download full flyer here

CATHNEWS NEW ZEALAND: The Bishops Conference have launched the renewed CathNews New Zealand project. This ministry supports Catholics and people interested in the Church in accessing news and other content of interest. It draws from material that has already been published and includes original content. The best way to receive CathNews New Zealand is by signing up to the newsletter, which is sent on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Visit the CathNews New Zealand website and sign up at https://cathnewsnz.com 

ALPHA 2025

Are you running Alpha this year? Have you already saved the dates? Can you please let us know as we get requests often to be told when the next Alpha course will be run - people are willing to travel!

For financial help to assist running Alpha in your parish please learn more here.

We have renewed our annual subscription for sacredmusic.online

If your parish/community-group/school is interested please contact kirstym@cdh.org.nz we have set up a diocesan subscription and can add you as a user.

The Guidebook Pilgrimage Aotearoa, is available for distribution in the Hamilton Diocese, on behalf of the wonderful authors, John Hornblow and Jenny Boyack.  It’s genesis and release are certainly a moment of Divine Providence given that 2025 is the Year of the Pilgrimage!!

More information here

Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women, is excited to be launching a new initiative called Dovecotes. We invite you to prayerfully consider joining us by forming a Dovecote in your parish. All it needs is for two or more women, to support each other to deepen their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, through regular shared prayer. Our leaflet called ‘Welcome to Dovecotes’ available from your parish, contains all the relevant information. It’s also on our website: www.dove.org.nz or email Gloria Stafford: dovenational.leader@gmail.com

Download flyer here

Mens Rosary Group

Calling all men to gather and pray for the conversion of New Zealand.

Meet: Steps of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

When: Saturday April 5th, 12pm

Contact: Bruce 021 556 227

(These will continue to run every 1st Saturday of the Month)

Parish to Parish for Bed and Breakfast,  Catholics throughout New Zealand and a few in Australia host Catholics in their homes, a wonderful way for Catholics to meet and enjoy the company of other Catholics A contribution of $50 for one person, and $30 for each additional guest, this is per night. E.g  two people would pay $80 per night.
If you wish to purchase a book with the details of the hosts, the cost is $15, includes postage,  contact or order from Marie Anderson 2  Brent Place, Christchurch 8053, phone 027 2800 611, email  marie.ian@xtra.co.nz

Pro-Life Vigil Outside Waikato Hospital

Is anyone interested in attending a fruitful, legal and regular pro-life vigil outside Waikato Hospital?

Times and days that we meet: Wednesday’s and Alternate Friday’s
If you are interested in coming along please contact Ria Rose via email: sixroses@xtra.co.nz



Please support our Kete Kōrero Sponsors - click on image to be taken to their website