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Read below the Christmas edition: Winging its way to a parish near you!
Next edition due: Lent 2025
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Anno Sjoerd Brandsma was a Dutch Carmelite Academic who took the religious name of Titus. Fr Titus was imprisoned and later martyred at the Dachau concentration camp. Prior to this he visited fourteen editors with a letter from the conference of Dutch Bishops, advising Catholic newspapers not to print official Nazi documents. He was canonised on 15 May 2022, his feast day is 27 July and he is patron saint to Catholic Journalists. For his full bio click here.
The purpose of this day is to fulfil Jesus' instruction to “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38).
The Common Good Foundation has been chosen as the Registered Charity nominated by
The Waikato Christian Supplies Trust to receive one half of its Trust Fund upon the Termination of the Trust.
Our three Commissioning Masses were held in February around the diocese. Bishop Richard spoke in his homily about not being able to love what we don’t know. The purpose of education is the pursuit of wisdom, from applying our knowledge we will grow in wisdom and find the truth in the love of Christ.
In the bustling modern workplaces, where deadlines loom large and projects demand precision, the significance of fostering strong team dynamics cannot be overstated. While professional competence undoubtedly forms the backbone of any successful team, it is the intangible threads of trust, communication, and camaraderie that truly elevate a group from mere colleagues to a cohesive unit. Enter the quintessential team building day – a dedicated occasion for teams to step away from the rigors of everyday tasks and delve into a faith guided day, designed to fortify these essential bonds.
At the front of the church five olive trees are growing healthily and cropping, while at the back of the building grapevines and lemon, peach, and plum trees grow, looking like they’ll provide decent crops this summer.
BIshop Richard Laurenson is the fourth bishop of the Hamilton diocese. He was ordained on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 8th December 2023.
Nhat and Hung might be from two separate dioceses in Vietnam, but both gave me a similar detailed account, which proved to be quite the learning curve, into the life of a Catholic in Vietnam.
Thank you to all those that have contributed to the Diocese, Parishes and Catholic Church in so many wonderful ways, including the volunteers, parishioners, priests, religious and staff.
With thanksgiving to God, Bishop Steve Lowe and the Catholic Diocese of Hamilton celebrated Adam Kirkeby’s Ordination to the Order of Priests on August 6, 2022.
“Prayer is conversation with God”: this is my favourite description of prayer. Why? Because it is simple, both as a sentence and as a concept. Yet how difficult it can be – the difficulty not so much in finding particular words and formulas that suit us, but more so in the effort of making time for regular prayer.
“Now it must be acknowledged that if in Jesus’ Resurrection we were dealing simply with the miracle of a resuscitated corpse, it would ultimately be of no concern to us,” says Pope Benedict XVI in Jesus of Nazareth, Book II. For even today, it seems more than likely that, right this minute, somewhere in the world someone is being resuscitated. But Jesus’ resurrection is different. Jesus’ resurrection changed the course of the world.
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