"We are committed to ensuring a safe Church." Apology to Victims and Survivors of Abuse

"We are committed to ensuring a safe Church." Apology to Victims and Survivors of Abuse


The Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand has made a formal apology to victims and survivors of abuse committed by priests and other Church figures. Cardinal John Dew, Archbishop of Wellington and President of the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference, gave the apology in Auckland today during a hearing of the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care, on behalf of Church leaders.

“You have spoken and continue to speak. We are listening, and we have heard you. We apologise and we are sorry.”

- Address by Archbishop of Wellington, John Dew, 26th March 2021.

We invite you to read Archbishop of Wellington, John Dew’s full address here and to join us in praying for those who have been affected by abuse. You can also read the official NZCBC press release here.

If you have been a victim or someone has shared with you their story of being abused by a priest or religious or layperson in the Church, we ask that you visit the National Office for Professional Standards (NOPS) website safeguarding.catholic.org where you are able to report the abuse safely and securely.

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