Rejoicing in the Cross - Hearts Aflame Summer School 2021

Rejoicing in the Cross - Hearts Aflame Summer School 2021


Written by:

Shana Graham

Read Time:

2 mins

After a year like 2020, “Rejoicing in the Cross” was the perfect theme for this year's Hearts Aflame, the annual Catholic summer school for young adults held at Nga Tawa Diocesan School, Marton, from 1-10 January 2021. Covid-19 didn't deter the planning team from going ahead and the 120 participants - a full house - from all over the country taking part. It might have had something to do with this being the Year of St Joseph (since Hearts Aflame's patron saint is St Joseph himself)!

The message was this: the Cross only makes sense in light of God's Love. This was explored at the opening retreat weekend led by Sister Clare of Assisi from the Community of the Beatitudes,  as well as the various lectures taught by the likes of Brendan Malone, Tim and Jennifer Goulding (keynote speakers for Family Weekend 2020) and our very own Fr Matt Gibson. 

Hearts Aflame was an amazing time to renew relationships with Christ and community. We were led in many forms of prayer, from the Liturgy of the Hours to praise and worship, which showed the richness of our faith and the countless ways we can be in God's presence. Another gift of the school was being put in small groups who met every day to process God's work in us, and to meet and share with like-hearted peers. 

The biggest gift for me was the openness and vulnerability of everyone at the school, because of the theme. We've all had experiences of,  and are vulnerable to, suffering and this fact seemed to tear down the walls we usually have when placed in new and uncomfortable situations. The shared culture of openness reaped for us the benefits of deeper healing and insight. At the very least, we came out knowing God's love for us, even at the foot of the Cross. 

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