Children helping Children

Children helping Children

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Fr Matthew McAuslin


2 mins

Supporting Overseas Missions

Missio is the New Zealand office providing for the Pontifical Missions Societies. These societies are directly under the patronage of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples. There are 3 main arms or operations of the Pontifical Missions Societies which include the Propagation of the Faith (Mission Sunday), St Peter the Apostle (for the support of seminarians and religious in the developing world) and the Holy Childhood Society. This latter operation, the Holy Childhood Society, in New Zealand has always been run through the Catholic primary schools. It holds to the foundational principle of ‘children helping children’. And a key focus of this principle is on almsgiving where schools raise money for the missions. 

Throughout the diocese many schools get involved in fundraising in a special Missions Day. One school in particular deserves special mention: St. Joseph’s School, Morrinsville. Every year this country school holds a special fun and fundraising day that generously raises over $1,000 to help children in need overseas. These country children really get stuck in and do so much good to help those in need overseas. Thank you Morrinsville!

These country children really get stuck in and do so much good to help those in need overseas. Thank you Morrinsville!

So where does the money go and why is school involvement in missions so important? Well, the Holy Child Fund supports a number of very important projects in the South Pacific, the Philippines and parts of Africa. Donations from New Zealand go to a large number of very worthwhile projects to help in the temporal and spiritual needs of vulnerable children. 

For example, we have assisted significantly in helping the Sunday School for children at Sacred Heart Parish in Kiribati. The local bishop informed us that they lack office equipment (projector, printer, laptop), books and tables. The people are very poor and have limited opportunity for raising funds. They meet in an old local maneaba (meeting house) that was not able to meet the needs of the parish. But we have been able to help in meaningful ways so that the children can learn the Catholic faith in a much more comfortable setting. 

Another project that we support is the Lujan Home for Girls in the Diocese of Vanimo in Papua New Guinea. Reverend Sr Maria Ancilla Humilis, SSVM runs the school and working with her we have helped with the purchase of school supplies: books, stationery. We have also been able to buy diesel for the car to bring children to school and to take them to the river to get water for cooking and cleaning at home. All these things have been greatly appreciated by the girls.

In our latest edition printed edition of Kete Korero, you will see a photo of some of the children that we help as we support the work of nurse and teacher,  Sr Marissa Valencia, in the Philippines.  Sister runs a school for local disadvantaged children and greatly appreciates the financial support that she receives from New Zealand.

MissioNZ’s website is and there you can learn about their philosophy and projects. If anyone would like to make a donation to the Holy Childhood fund one can donate online at the MissioNZ website or send a cheque to me at Fr Matt McAuslin c/o St. Joseph’s Parish, PO Box 7, Waihi, 3641.

Voting With a Catholic Conscience: Referendums

Voting With a Catholic Conscience: Referendums

Encountering Jesus and allowing Him to change us, every day.

Encountering Jesus and allowing Him to change us, every day.